Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do Ugly People Deserve Legal Protection? Economics Prof Offers Reasons for ADA Extension - News - ABA Journal

Do Ugly People Deserve Legal Protection? Economics Prof Offers Reasons for ADA Extension - News - ABA Journal

An economics professor is making the case for legal protections against looks-challenged people.
Writing an op-ed for the New York Times, University of Texas professor Daniel Hamermesh cites findings that good-looking people make more money, find higher-earning spouses, and get better mortgage deals. One study shows American workers assessed as being in the bottom seventh in terms of looks earn about $230,000 less in a lifetime than similar workers in the top third of looks.
Hamermesh offers a solution: Protect ugliness with small extensions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Ugly people could get help from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “We could even have affirmative-action programs for the ugly,” he suggests."

--- My thoughts on this?

Comeon... We have ENOUGH trouble without adding ANOTHER money sucking "roadtohellpavedwithgoodintentions" type act like this. As someone who has thought herself ugly, been told she was ugly, and all around person I find this offensive. How dare they draw attention to yet another difference. Aren't we SUPPOSED to be looking past our differences and paying attention to the character not the looks, color, gender, religion, money??? Then why keep creating more reasons to focus on those things?


The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. - Samuel Adams