Saturday, October 22, 2011

Iraq War over?

So Obama has said the war in Iraq will be over before the end of the year and I guess most of the troops will be home.
While I am thankful our troops will be removed I still worry for the innocent Iraqi people and what will happen once we leave. Who will get a foothold in that country...
But at the end of the day, we rid them from a dictator it is up to them to make the best of it.
Praying for their future and for the safety of our troops.
God Bless America

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sean Penn is so misguided it's pathetic!

He's like so many who just see things as "either you are on MY side or you are a racist idiot who is stupid"...
I feel sorry for him.... he is so close-minded it is sad.
He, like some many, believe all our dislike for Obama and the left is fuled by our bigotry of the color of his skin and our wanting to kill old and poor people.....

I doubt any one truly wants to kill old or poor people, and while I am sure the right has just as many racists as the left, not everyone is one. Also, my conservative friends are just like my liberal friends, some intelligent and some so dumb the couldn't poor pee outta a boot with the instructions written on the heel....

I am so tired of both sides and their bickering and name calling that sometimes I wanna smack their heads together.

When I was a kid and fought with my brother, my mother would make us sit at either end out the couch and stare at one another without first we would make mean faces or mouth or displeasure at one another but eventually, one would do something and the giggling would commence. When we were allowed up, we were ok with each other....
maybe the right and the left needs to sit on the couch.....

For the record, I am NOT a racist. I do not look at the color of skin or gender when voting, I look at their record, their views, and their character when choosing who I want to be in ANY office! This is how we all should vote, with common sense and intelligent thought not because of emotions.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hot Air

Seems to me any more, that when news stations cover any of the members of congress speaking(Democrat and Republican alike),they should just overlay the sound of their voices with the sound they used in the Charlie Brown cartoon's for adults when they spoke. "wan wan wan wan"

Breaking News re: Gov. Christie

Gov. Christie announced he is NOT RUNNING.....
for President.

Doesn't look like a man who runs much.....

yeah, it was bad but I'm fat doesn't that mean I can make fat jokes?

Hank Williams JR, ESPN

OK, look. I love Hank Williams JR, always have, always will. And I support his right to say whatever he wants, as long as he backs it up. These were HIS thoughts. ESPN has the right to choose to disassociate themselves from him because of what he said, just as he has the right to say it. It isn't censorship, it is business. When the gov comes in and tells someone they cannot say something, THAT is censorship. I don't believe they(ESPN) did the right thing, but I do not run their business. I did not watch MNF last night, I don't know if I will again. I don't know if I will ever watch anything again. That is MY RIGHT.
In the day and age of social media, internet, 24/7 news coverage we all have seen people lose their jobs for speaking up. Is this right? I don't know... I have long bemoaned Hollywood stars for spouting off at the mouth about politics and wish some of them would just shut up.
But we have the right to speak our minds, even if our minds are misguided. We are on a slippery slope in this Country.
I will admit myself, had he dissed conservatives I would probably be mad at him and glad they fired him and so would a lot of people who are standing up mad about this now.
So think about it. It's all about free speech and being responsible for what you say. We are in a very polarized society right now and if you speak publicly you can bet there will be those who do not like what you say.
 No one has to like what any one else says, but they do have the right to say it. Businesses have the right to choose who they hire as spokespeople and who they fire. It just is what it is....
While I am mad at ESPN for their kneejerk reaction, I respect their right to it. I don't have to like it. Neither do you.