OK, look. I love Hank Williams JR, always have, always will. And I support his right to say whatever he wants, as long as he backs it up. These were HIS thoughts. ESPN has the right to choose to disassociate themselves from him because of what he said, just as he has the right to say it. It isn't censorship, it is business. When the gov comes in and tells someone they cannot say something, THAT is censorship. I don't believe they(ESPN) did the right thing, but I do not run their business. I did not watch MNF last night, I don't know if I will again. I don't know if I will ever watch anything again. That is MY RIGHT.
In the day and age of social media, internet, 24/7 news coverage we all have seen people lose their jobs for speaking up. Is this right? I don't know... I have long bemoaned Hollywood stars for spouting off at the mouth about politics and wish some of them would just shut up.
But we have the right to speak our minds, even if our minds are misguided. We are on a slippery slope in this Country.
I will admit myself, had he dissed conservatives I would probably be mad at him and glad they fired him and so would a lot of people who are standing up mad about this now.
So think about it. It's all about free speech and being responsible for what you say. We are in a very polarized society right now and if you speak publicly you can bet there will be those who do not like what you say.
No one has to like what any one else says, but they do have the right to say it. Businesses have the right to choose who they hire as spokespeople and who they fire. It just is what it is....
While I am mad at ESPN for their kneejerk reaction, I respect their right to it. I don't have to like it. Neither do you.
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