Think about these words...
Now, I ask you why this should concern us. Why? We all want the terrorists punished right? We want to be safe and protected. Let's consider who are under suspicion.
Here are a couple:
"having missing fingers" OMG my Uncle has missing fingers, they were smashed in a JRT action while he was in the Reserves and had to be amputated. Could he be under suspicion?
"having firearms and ammunition, especially weatherproof ammo" Ummm.... 2nd Amendment?
"having a stock pile of more than 7 days of food" HELLO? Times are hard, with the economy the way it is who isn't stocking up? We try to, we never know when hubby's company is going to go belly up and close so why would we not stock up? He gets paid every two weeks so we try to get two weeks worth of groc at a time... OMG are we under suspicion? What about canning/freezing summer vegis? That surely would be under suspicion.
Now that you know a few obscure things that may lead to suspicion... I am not saying that this is the only thing or that it would EVER be used as a method to detain innocent citizens but let's face the truth of the way the world is right now. We do not know. Why allow our government to bypass the very thing they have been elected into office to uphold in the name of national security? ANYTHING that bypasses our Constitutional Rights, no matter what the intentional purpose of the act, could be used on innocent people. Do you know how easy it is for a sitting president (no matter which political party they may be in) to declare martial law? National Disaster, Terrorist Attack, Civil Unrest, and "Other Circumstances" (whatever that is)are all reasons martial law could be declared. I'm not saying this president, or the next or thirty years down the line would take advantage of these laws and turn them against us but when it comes to our freedoms, and the freedoms of our children and grandchildren WE NEED TO BE ASKING THE WHAT IF'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whenever a law goes before congress we the people need to be asking what if someone got into office that wanted to usurp our freedoms? This is not being asked enough lately. People are afraid they will lose facebook friends or be told to put their tin foil hat back on. They don't want to be labeled a nutcase or conspiracy theorist or worse, they are so afraid of terrorism in the now they fail to realize the very things being claimed to protect us are taking away our freedoms and place our future in very unstable ground. Don't think a president of this country could become a dictator? I am sure the countries of Egypt and Iraq (and numerous other countries) thought the same many years ago.... I am sure the people of Germany did not believe any one could take their country into such a dark place as to exterminate more than one million Jewish children! Do you see what I am saying? Can you see why this SHOULD concern every law abiding citizen of this country?
Sen. Rand Paul Defends Constitutional Liberties:
There is one thing and one thing only protecting innocent Americans from being detained at will at the hands of a too-powerful state - our constitution, and the checks we put on government power. Should we err today and remove some of the most important checks on state power in the name of fighting terrorism, well, then the terrorists have won. Detaining citizens without a court trial is not American. In fact, this alarming arbitrary power is reminiscent of Egypt's "permanent" Emergency Law authorizing preventive indefinite detention, a law that provoked ordinary Egyptians to tear their country apart last spring and risk their lives to fight.
61 senators betrayed us yesterday. They authorized, as an amendment to the
Defense Authorization Act, the indefinite suspension of habeus corpus.
We are now officially a police state.
Their names are as follows:
Ayotte (R- NH)
Barrasso (R- WY)
Blunt (R- MO)
Boozman (R- AR)
Brown (R- MA)
Burr (R- NC)
Casey (D- PA)
Chambliss (R- GA)
Coats (R- IN)
Coburn (R- OK)
Cochran (R- MS)
Collins (R- ME)
Conrad (D- ND)
Corker (R- TN)
Cornyn (R- TX)
Crapo (R- ID)
DeMint (R- SC)
Enzi (R- WY)
Graham (R- SC)
Grassley (R- IA)
Hagan (D- NC)
Hatch (R- UT)
Heller (R- NV)
Hoeven (R- ND)
Hutchison (R- TX)
Inhofe (R- OK)
Inouye (D- HI)
Isakson (R- GA)
Johanns (R- NE)
Johnson (R- WI)
Kohl (D- WI)
Kyl (R- AZ)
Landrieu (D- LA)
Lee (R- UT)
Levin (D- MI)
Lieberman (ID- CT)
Lugar (R- IN)
Manchin (D- WV)
McCain (R- AZ)
McCaskill (D- MO)
McConnell (R- KY)
Menendez (D- NJ)
Moran (R- KS)
Nelson (D- NE)
Portman (R- OH)
Pryor (D- AR)
Reed (D- RI)
Risch (R- ID)
Roberts (R- KS)
Rubio (R- FL)
Sessions (R- AL)
Shaheen (D- NH)
Shelby (R- AL)
Snowe (R- ME)
Stabenow (D- MI)
Thune (R- SD)
Toomey (R- PA)
Vitter (R- LA)
Whitehouse (D- RI)
Wicker (R- MS)
Don't let this fall by the wayside, do not turn your back on our freedom.
We are in dangerous territory.
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