Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Free Country? Think Again!

WASHINGTON -- The Misguided Senate voted on Tuesday to keep a provision to let the military detain terrorism suspects on U.S. soil and hold them indefinitely without trial.
Think about these words...
Now, I ask you why this should concern us. Why? We all want the terrorists punished right? We want to be safe and protected. Let's consider who are under suspicion.
Here are a couple:
"having missing fingers" OMG my Uncle has missing fingers, they were smashed in a JRT action while he was in the Reserves and had to be amputated. Could he be under suspicion?  
"having firearms and ammunition, especially weatherproof ammo" Ummm.... 2nd Amendment?
"having a stock pile of more than 7 days of food" HELLO? Times are hard, with the economy the way it is who isn't stocking up? We try to, we never know when hubby's company is going to go belly up and close so why would we not stock up? He gets paid every two weeks so we try to get two weeks worth of groc at a time... OMG are we under suspicion? What about canning/freezing summer vegis? That surely would be under suspicion.
Now that you know a few obscure things that may lead to suspicion... I am not saying that this is the only thing or that it would EVER be used as a method to detain innocent citizens but let's face the truth of the way the world is right now. We do not know. Why allow our government to bypass the very thing they have been elected into office to uphold in the name of national security? ANYTHING that bypasses our Constitutional Rights, no matter what the intentional purpose of the act, could be used on innocent people. Do you know how easy it is for a sitting president (no matter which political party they may be in) to declare martial law? National Disaster, Terrorist Attack, Civil Unrest, and "Other Circumstances" (whatever that is)are all reasons martial law could be declared. I'm not saying this president, or the next or thirty years down the line would take advantage of these laws and turn them against us but when it comes to our freedoms, and the freedoms of our children and grandchildren WE NEED TO BE ASKING THE WHAT IF'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whenever a law goes before congress we the people need to be asking what if someone got into office that wanted to usurp our freedoms? This is not being asked enough lately. People are afraid they will lose facebook friends or be told to put their tin foil hat back on. They don't want to be labeled a nutcase or conspiracy theorist or worse, they are so afraid of terrorism in the now they fail to realize the very things being claimed to protect us are taking away our freedoms and place our future in very unstable ground. Don't think a president of this country could become a dictator? I am sure the countries of Egypt and Iraq (and numerous other countries) thought the same many years ago.... I am sure the people of Germany did not believe any one could take their country into such a dark place as to exterminate more than one million Jewish children! Do you see what I am saying? Can you see why this SHOULD concern every law abiding citizen of this country?

Sen. Rand Paul Defends Constitutional Liberties:
There is one thing and one thing only protecting innocent Americans from being detained at will at the hands of a too-powerful state - our constitution, and the checks we put on government power. Should we err today and remove some of the most important checks on state power in the name of fighting terrorism, well, then the terrorists have won. Detaining citizens without a court trial is not American. In fact, this alarming arbitrary power is reminiscent of Egypt's "permanent" Emergency Law authorizing preventive indefinite detention, a law that provoked ordinary Egyptians to tear their country apart last spring and risk their lives to fight.

61 senators betrayed us yesterday. They authorized, as an amendment to the
Defense Authorization Act, the indefinite suspension of habeus corpus.
We are now officially a police state.
Their names are as follows:
Ayotte (R- NH)
Barrasso (R- WY)
Blunt (R- MO)
Boozman (R- AR)
Brown (R- MA)
Burr (R- NC)
Casey (D- PA)
Chambliss (R- GA)
Coats (R- IN)
Coburn (R- OK)
Cochran (R- MS)
Collins (R- ME)
Conrad (D- ND)
Corker (R- TN)
Cornyn (R- TX)
Crapo (R- ID)
DeMint (R- SC)
Enzi (R- WY)
Graham (R- SC)
Grassley (R- IA)
Hagan (D- NC)
Hatch (R- UT)
Heller (R- NV)
Hoeven (R- ND)
Hutchison (R- TX)
Inhofe (R- OK)
Inouye (D- HI)
Isakson (R- GA)
Johanns (R- NE)
Johnson (R- WI)
Kohl (D- WI)
Kyl (R- AZ)
Landrieu (D- LA)
Lee (R- UT)
Levin (D- MI)
Lieberman (ID- CT)
Lugar (R- IN)
Manchin (D- WV)
McCain (R- AZ)
McCaskill (D- MO)
McConnell (R- KY)
Menendez (D- NJ)
Moran (R- KS)
Nelson (D- NE)
Portman (R- OH)
Pryor (D- AR)
Reed (D- RI)
Risch (R- ID)
Roberts (R- KS)
Rubio (R- FL)
Sessions (R- AL)
Shaheen (D- NH)
Shelby (R- AL)
Snowe (R- ME)
Stabenow (D- MI)
Thune (R- SD)
Toomey (R- PA)
Vitter (R- LA)
Whitehouse (D- RI)
Wicker (R- MS)

Don't let this fall by the wayside, do not turn your back on our freedom.
We are in dangerous territory.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Political Circus

I liked Herman Cain, still had my questions about him. Mainly since his campaign was too busy to answer them, I held off making my mind up on him.
I have never cared who or what a person does in the bedroom (hey! People! Leave my sheep alone!), but it is the lies and denials (alleged lies and denials) and half truths (define sexual relations) that bother me.
Although it may be a moot point now as it seems Cain's reassing his bid for the presidency....
Perhaps on "advice" (club to head) from the GOP PTB?
That leaves GOP Golden Boy Romney (I'm to sexy for my hair) followed by Newt (a RiNO by any other name still smells like BS), and the rest (here on Gilligan's Isle)....
"the rest" seem to be fading back into the shadows, well all but our beloved Rubberband Man, Ron Paul (I know you are but what am I), who at times sounds very very right then at some point travels back to Mars... And his followers sometime remind me of those who unfriended me after calling me racist for not jumping on Obama (Dude? Where's my teleprompter?) bandwagon when he was running for office (wait did he ever stop?). God love 'em but when you disagree with something they launch an attack that scares a grizzer bear!
As far as "the left side" I have heard of no one even fantasizing about running against Obama....
So I just have not seen any one I just really am excited about...
It is a sad stand of affairs when a gal can't find a single person in politics she feels good about.....

Friday, November 11, 2011

To The Veteran

To The Veteran

I woke up this morning;

my bed was warm,soft, and comfortable.

Thank You.

I got up and put my clothes on,

they were nice, not rags.

Thank You.

I walked through my house;

it was warm, dry, and safe.

Thank You.

I got a cup of coffee, and prepared for my day

without threat of life or fear of persecution.

Thank You.

I go online, read the news, read everyone's views;

even expressed my own.

Thank You.

My son wakes up;

He is safe, well fed, and happy.

Thank You.

I thank you, the Veteran, for all these things in my life.

Things I would never have if not for you.

I thank you, the Veteran,for because of you, I live in freedom

and have never known what it was like to not be free.

Thank you to all Veterans

for your sacrifices in service to this Country.

Thank you for ensuring the safety and freedom of my family.
Sometimes you served with fanfare galore

other times you came home alone

no fanfare, no parades, no thanks;

nothing but hatred.

Would that I could, give you a parade every day.

I thank you, Veterans, for your service, and for my freedom.

In Honor of Veterans.

A Father and Son.

One a Sailor,

The other a Marine.

One fought in Vietnam,

The other in Iraq and Afghanistan.

One came home to hatred,

The other to mixed reviews.

One served his Country proudly,

The other did as well.

One risked his life for us all,

The other did as well.

Both are heroes.

Happy Veteran's Day!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Iraq War over?

So Obama has said the war in Iraq will be over before the end of the year and I guess most of the troops will be home.
While I am thankful our troops will be removed I still worry for the innocent Iraqi people and what will happen once we leave. Who will get a foothold in that country...
But at the end of the day, we rid them from a dictator it is up to them to make the best of it.
Praying for their future and for the safety of our troops.
God Bless America

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sean Penn is so misguided it's pathetic!

He's like so many who just see things as "either you are on MY side or you are a racist idiot who is stupid"...
I feel sorry for him.... he is so close-minded it is sad.
He, like some many, believe all our dislike for Obama and the left is fuled by our bigotry of the color of his skin and our wanting to kill old and poor people.....

I doubt any one truly wants to kill old or poor people, and while I am sure the right has just as many racists as the left, not everyone is one. Also, my conservative friends are just like my liberal friends, some intelligent and some so dumb the couldn't poor pee outta a boot with the instructions written on the heel....

I am so tired of both sides and their bickering and name calling that sometimes I wanna smack their heads together.

When I was a kid and fought with my brother, my mother would make us sit at either end out the couch and stare at one another without first we would make mean faces or mouth or displeasure at one another but eventually, one would do something and the giggling would commence. When we were allowed up, we were ok with each other....
maybe the right and the left needs to sit on the couch.....

For the record, I am NOT a racist. I do not look at the color of skin or gender when voting, I look at their record, their views, and their character when choosing who I want to be in ANY office! This is how we all should vote, with common sense and intelligent thought not because of emotions.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hot Air

Seems to me any more, that when news stations cover any of the members of congress speaking(Democrat and Republican alike),they should just overlay the sound of their voices with the sound they used in the Charlie Brown cartoon's for adults when they spoke. "wan wan wan wan"

Breaking News re: Gov. Christie

Gov. Christie announced he is NOT RUNNING.....
for President.

Doesn't look like a man who runs much.....

yeah, it was bad but I'm fat doesn't that mean I can make fat jokes?

Hank Williams JR, ESPN

OK, look. I love Hank Williams JR, always have, always will. And I support his right to say whatever he wants, as long as he backs it up. These were HIS thoughts. ESPN has the right to choose to disassociate themselves from him because of what he said, just as he has the right to say it. It isn't censorship, it is business. When the gov comes in and tells someone they cannot say something, THAT is censorship. I don't believe they(ESPN) did the right thing, but I do not run their business. I did not watch MNF last night, I don't know if I will again. I don't know if I will ever watch anything again. That is MY RIGHT.
In the day and age of social media, internet, 24/7 news coverage we all have seen people lose their jobs for speaking up. Is this right? I don't know... I have long bemoaned Hollywood stars for spouting off at the mouth about politics and wish some of them would just shut up.
But we have the right to speak our minds, even if our minds are misguided. We are on a slippery slope in this Country.
I will admit myself, had he dissed conservatives I would probably be mad at him and glad they fired him and so would a lot of people who are standing up mad about this now.
So think about it. It's all about free speech and being responsible for what you say. We are in a very polarized society right now and if you speak publicly you can bet there will be those who do not like what you say.
 No one has to like what any one else says, but they do have the right to say it. Businesses have the right to choose who they hire as spokespeople and who they fire. It just is what it is....
While I am mad at ESPN for their kneejerk reaction, I respect their right to it. I don't have to like it. Neither do you.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pat Robertson, told viewers of his show that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer’s is justifiable because the disease is “a kind of death.”

"700 Club" host and former Republican presidential candidate, Pat Robertson, told viewers of his show that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer’s is justifiable because the disease is “a kind of death.”
It was during a question and answer part of the show when this happened. A man asked what advice he should give his friend who started seeing a woman on the side when his wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's:

"I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her," Robertson said.

The chairman of the CBN, which airs the "700 Club," said he wouldn't "put a guilt trip" on anyone who divorces a spouse who suffers from the illness, but added, "Get some ethicist besides me to give you the answer."
Terry Meeuwsen, 700 Club co-host, asked him about couples' marriage vows to take care of each other "for better or for worse" and "in sickness and in health."
"If you respect that vow, you say 'til death do us part,'" Robertson said during the Tuesday broadcast. "This is a kind of death."
OK, My take on this? The media is, much as it does with ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, they are focusing on what he said not the whole context of the interaction.
As horrible as it sounds... I kind of have to agree, IF the guy is cheating, it may be better if he did leave her. However, that being said.... there are a lot of questions... and my sick since of humor that says she probably wouldn't know anyway.... but my grandma has Alzheimer's as well as a dear friend of the boy's grandma who has been like a part of the family.... it is not an easy disease...
We do not know these people or their history, etc....

While my first impulse was outrage with Robertson I looked through the whole story and got the context as it was reported...
I will find the clip and listen to it and see what I can get out of it....
When the news is reported always remember, it will be reported by someone with an opinion and a desire to get more ratings and keep their job...

That being said...
I think the guy in question needs to be horsewhipped but one thing I have learned? We can make all the judgements and form all kinds of "Well that was wrong" opinions we want but when it comes down to it, we do NOT know how we ourselves would act in a situation like that....

 And Robertson's assumption that Alzheimer's is kind of a death sentence, well yes, it is......... BUT..... SHE AINT DEAD YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on... It is Till DEATH DO US PART not ehhh I'll stay till you have been given the long face then I'll leave before the going gets rough....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hoffa Supporters Threaten Tea Partier

Hoffa Supporters Threaten Tea Partier

"Hoffa supporters have created a Facebook page on which they have posted the address of tea partier Justen Charters and are encouraging fellow Hoffa supporters to send human excrement through the federal mail system. Why? Because Charters came up with the idea to sent 1,000 tea bags to Jimmy Hoffa, Jr."

Why? Glad you asked... They are threatening people because of THIS:

"Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa had some profane, combative words for Republicans while warming up the crowd for President Obama in Detroit, Michigan on Monday.

"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war," Jimmy Hoffa said to a heavily union crowd.

"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added."

Soooo yet again, it looks like we are under attack and the left does not bat an eye.... had this been a tea party and said by someone else there would be outrage from the white house, and everyone else...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Do Ugly People Deserve Legal Protection? Economics Prof Offers Reasons for ADA Extension - News - ABA Journal

Do Ugly People Deserve Legal Protection? Economics Prof Offers Reasons for ADA Extension - News - ABA Journal

An economics professor is making the case for legal protections against looks-challenged people.
Writing an op-ed for the New York Times, University of Texas professor Daniel Hamermesh cites findings that good-looking people make more money, find higher-earning spouses, and get better mortgage deals. One study shows American workers assessed as being in the bottom seventh in terms of looks earn about $230,000 less in a lifetime than similar workers in the top third of looks.
Hamermesh offers a solution: Protect ugliness with small extensions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Ugly people could get help from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “We could even have affirmative-action programs for the ugly,” he suggests."

--- My thoughts on this?

Comeon... We have ENOUGH trouble without adding ANOTHER money sucking "roadtohellpavedwithgoodintentions" type act like this. As someone who has thought herself ugly, been told she was ugly, and all around person I find this offensive. How dare they draw attention to yet another difference. Aren't we SUPPOSED to be looking past our differences and paying attention to the character not the looks, color, gender, religion, money??? Then why keep creating more reasons to focus on those things?


The Constitution shall never be construed... to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. - Samuel Adams